Read the Bible in a Year - Luke 1
Today I would like you to consider the verse found in Luke 1:38. It is where Mary, after being told that she is to be the mother of the Savior of the world by the angel Gabriel, responds "Be it unto me, according to thy words."
Question....was it these words that sealed the deal for Mary to conceive? On the surface it appears that way, but today I would like to remind you that what really sealed the deal for Mary to believe and then receive, was when she heard the testimony of how her cousin, Elizabeth, was now six months pregnant. Mary knew the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth; how their entire life they wanted a child, but Elizabeth was unable to conceive. Now, well into her 80's (many Hebrew Scholars believe, though it is not recorded), suddenly, she finds herself with a baby! (Sarah conceived when she was 90 years old!!!) Upon hearing about her cousin, Mary then believed. It was then she chose to receive the miraculous for her own life. Remember, Mary could have decided not to let this happen. "How can this be when I've been with no man" were her exact words in Luke 1:34. It was the testimony of what God had done for her cousin that convinced Mary that it was possible for her to be the mother of the Savior of the world.
All of us have a testimony - a story that someone needs to hear; a story that tells what God has done for us. Your story could seal the deal for another person to experience the miraculous power of heaven today. What happened in your life by Jesus needs to be told today and every day! Just like Mary, when you heard the story of what happened to someone else, it prompted you to say, "be it unto me", and now your story may cause another to say, "hey, if it happened to them, it can happen to me!"
It's 2022, Arise, Shine - tell your story! For the Light has come and the Glory of the Lord is risen on you! (Isaiah 60:1). Watch as others receive their destiny along with you!
- Pastor Jude
Question....was it these words that sealed the deal for Mary to conceive? On the surface it appears that way, but today I would like to remind you that what really sealed the deal for Mary to believe and then receive, was when she heard the testimony of how her cousin, Elizabeth, was now six months pregnant. Mary knew the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth; how their entire life they wanted a child, but Elizabeth was unable to conceive. Now, well into her 80's (many Hebrew Scholars believe, though it is not recorded), suddenly, she finds herself with a baby! (Sarah conceived when she was 90 years old!!!) Upon hearing about her cousin, Mary then believed. It was then she chose to receive the miraculous for her own life. Remember, Mary could have decided not to let this happen. "How can this be when I've been with no man" were her exact words in Luke 1:34. It was the testimony of what God had done for her cousin that convinced Mary that it was possible for her to be the mother of the Savior of the world.
All of us have a testimony - a story that someone needs to hear; a story that tells what God has done for us. Your story could seal the deal for another person to experience the miraculous power of heaven today. What happened in your life by Jesus needs to be told today and every day! Just like Mary, when you heard the story of what happened to someone else, it prompted you to say, "be it unto me", and now your story may cause another to say, "hey, if it happened to them, it can happen to me!"
It's 2022, Arise, Shine - tell your story! For the Light has come and the Glory of the Lord is risen on you! (Isaiah 60:1). Watch as others receive their destiny along with you!
- Pastor Jude
Posted in Read the Bible in a Year
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