Read the Bible in a Year - Matthew 11:1-6

Today's insight and encouragement is found in Matthew 11:1-6 in our reading the Bible through in a year.     John finds himself imprisoned and questioning if Jesus is really the Savior of the world.   After all, Jesus was his cousin!   "Was everything I even said about Jesus real, or did I just make it up?"   Perhaps you have been there -  questioning, doubting, if anything about this life in Christ is real.    Perhaps you find yourself today in a prison of fear, worry, sickness, or pain.   It's okay to question and to have doubts.  Believe me -  Jesus, God the Father and Holy Spirit understand.   But it is not okay to stay in this prison of darkness, fear, worry, sickness or pain.     So how do we stop or even change this?   Well, the answer is,  to plan a PRISON BREAK!     For your 2022 to be the best year for you, you'll have to break out of the prison of darkness, fear, worry, doubt, sickness or pain.    I like what Jesus did when John's disciples came and gave Jesus the message from John questioning..."are you the one or do we need to look for another?"  (Matthew 11:3)
Jesus didn't scold John or even say he was disappointed in him.  He instead forced his focus on the finished works that Jesus had done.  He focused on how the blind now see, the deaf now hear, the lame now walk, lepers (the most infectious disease in the world) are now healed, and now even the dead are raised back to life!    If you ever find yourself in a prison of doubt, fear, worry or questioning - break out of that, by focusing on the finished works of Jesus!   When Jesus said on the cross "It is Finished" (John 19:30), it meant that YOU ARE HEALED - not going to be; YOU ARE WHOLE -not going to be;  YOU ARE PROSPEROUS - not going to be;  YOU ARE BLESSED -not going to be.   You, right now, have everything that pertains to life (light & love) and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).    
Come on - break out this year!   It's a year of Light, life and love!  

"Arise, Shine for the Light has come and the Glory of the Lord is (right now) Risen on You!"
 (Isaiah 60:1)    - Pastor Jude   

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