Read the Bible in a Year - Job 3
Today's truth is taken from a combination of Job 3 & 4 along with Matthew 8:1-18. Jesus starts out by telling us that there is such power and authority that releases God's ability (grace) when it is directed and spoken. The roman centurion understood this and knew if he were to give an order (that's prayer) it would be carried out and nothing would stop it. When his servant was ill, and he went to see Jesus about this matter, he believed without any doubt that when Jesus said something on this behalf, it would happen. That is why he didn't need Jesus to come with him, he just needed Jesus to say only the Word. (Matthew 8:8)
Listen please! When you say the Word of God out loud - that's authority directed! It releases God's ability and power and nothing can stop it or offset it. PLEASE HEAR THIS.... You are so powerful - so full of healing and health - that you can't catch what others have, but if they will believe, they will catch what you can transmit! Acts 3:6 says this - "such as I have give I to you". We are all full of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, who is full of healing, deliverance, light, life and love. Jesus released into the diseased filled man that day, who was highly contagious, healing, health, light, life and love! That's what the man caught! In return, Jesus couldn't catch what the man had. BELIEVER - SON & DAUGHTER OF GOD - Neither can YOU!!! See Matthew 8:4. God is serious about this - "Greater is He that is in you, than anything in this world!" (1 John 4:4)
Jesus died for this so you could exist like this!
Now with that said, the lesson of Job is this. By his own admission, the words of fear he released, spoken out loud, caused a flood tide of disaster to come into his life that could have been avoided (Job 3 &4).
2022 is a beautiful, fun-filled, joyful year already mapped out for you! Don't curse it like Job did, by what you say. Don't allow fear spoken out to bring trouble this year - stop helping it. Right now determine and declare what 2022 will be for you. Only say and stay with the Word and you'll catch what God has for you this year and not what a fallen world has!
"Arise, Shine for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon Thee." Isaiah 60:1
A year of Light, Life and Love.
- Pastor Jude
Listen please! When you say the Word of God out loud - that's authority directed! It releases God's ability and power and nothing can stop it or offset it. PLEASE HEAR THIS.... You are so powerful - so full of healing and health - that you can't catch what others have, but if they will believe, they will catch what you can transmit! Acts 3:6 says this - "such as I have give I to you". We are all full of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, who is full of healing, deliverance, light, life and love. Jesus released into the diseased filled man that day, who was highly contagious, healing, health, light, life and love! That's what the man caught! In return, Jesus couldn't catch what the man had. BELIEVER - SON & DAUGHTER OF GOD - Neither can YOU!!! See Matthew 8:4. God is serious about this - "Greater is He that is in you, than anything in this world!" (1 John 4:4)
Jesus died for this so you could exist like this!
Now with that said, the lesson of Job is this. By his own admission, the words of fear he released, spoken out loud, caused a flood tide of disaster to come into his life that could have been avoided (Job 3 &4).
2022 is a beautiful, fun-filled, joyful year already mapped out for you! Don't curse it like Job did, by what you say. Don't allow fear spoken out to bring trouble this year - stop helping it. Right now determine and declare what 2022 will be for you. Only say and stay with the Word and you'll catch what God has for you this year and not what a fallen world has!
"Arise, Shine for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon Thee." Isaiah 60:1
A year of Light, Life and Love.
- Pastor Jude
Posted in Read the Bible in a Year
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