Read the Bible in a Year - Exodus 1-3

Today's insight is taken from Exodus chapters 1-3.    Now remember, the Old Testament is a type and shadow of Christ Jesus.   Keep this also in mind.... that when you read the Old Testament, it not only reveals Jesus as our Savior, but it also gives us the details about those three nights and days that Jesus spent in the heart of the earth.  (Matthew 12:40)    It's about what He secured and conquered for us to live a victorious life - to actually enjoy heaven on earth - before we get to heaven.     Exodus means "a way out" - a way out of trouble, fear, stress, sickness, disease, storms and anything that a fallen world has tried to keep you in bondage to.     The good news is, there is now a way out!  

The name Moses means "to be drawn out".   Moses is used as a deliverer for the people of God who have been in bondage for a long period of time.   This excessive bondage had caused them to lose their identity as the chosen people.    God would then come down to bring them out and by using Moses to draw out of them a new identity.    When God sent Jesus to the earth, it became our way out of bondage.   Jesus created for us an exodus - a way out of anything that would enslave us - from sickness to poverty and anything in between.    The entire life of Jesus, who is our deliverer, is to draw out of you by the power of  the Holy Spirit this new identity that you have in Christ.   You are no longer enslaved to sin, but you have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ.    Now that you are free, you need to identify with freedom!    2 Corinthians 5:17 declares you are a new creature in Christ.   Something that never existing before.   A new identity means new abilities that you never had before.  It's time to realize that when you were brought out, He did it right.   You've been put into the family of God and His Glorious Kingdom!  (Ephesians 3:15).      You are the head and you are not the tail.   You are above, and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13).  You are blessed and highly favored (Luke 1:28).    The entire wealth of the world belongs to you (Psalms 11:16).  Just like God told Moses, to instruct the Israelites, to clean out the wealth of the Egyptians, when they came out of bondage (Exodus 3:21-22), your incredible Savior has done the same for you.    Everything the enemy has stolen from you is now restored to you.    In fact, Proverbs 6:31 says that the enemy must return seven times more to you.  Your 2022 is a year of a planned exodus for you!    It's filled with the best of salvation.   So come on out,  and enjoy what has been given out to you.  He came down so you could go up!  

"Arise, Shine for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon Thee" (Isaiah 60:1)
 - Pastor Jude 

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