Read the Bible in a Year - Matthew 6:19-34

Today's thought is part 2 of prayer found in Matthew 6:19-34.   Jesus lets us know the priority in the kingdom life and how the kingdom life works and above all how to avoid the pitfalls in prayer.   So let me ask you,  are you worried today about 2022?   What it will be like?  Are you concerned over your job?   Finances?  Health or family?    If you answered yes to any of those things, then you really need to lean in and learn about the kingdom of God that you are part of!  

Jesus makes it very clear - none of the things that are mentioned above should concern you.  In fact, Jesus lets us know that every day on this planet until the end of time,  not one bird, insect, fish or animal is ever going to miss out on anything.   WHAT???   That's right,  the Father ensures this  (Matthew 6:26).     Jesus goes on to say that if the Father will do that for all of the
above-mentioned,  how much more valuable are you?  WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!

So, provision is secured!  Health, peace, protection - it's all there!    That's the reason not to worry!  In fact, the very phrase "take no thought" means "take no worries".   How are worries taken???   
Now we know that prayer is talking out loud the promises of God, but it is what you are saying in your everyday language that is going to make or break your 2022.   This is how the kingdom works - know this!  Put this into your heart.   Decide right now,  "I'm not going to worry anymore by saying fearful things."    From now on, it's all FAITH. (scriptures)   From here on out, that's what I'm gonna do.   If you will really do this, the position of righteousness will cause all these things to be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

"Arise, Shine for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon You". Isaiah 60:1.
A year of Light , Life and Love.
 - Pastor Jude 

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