Read the Bible in a Year - Genesis 35
Today's reading of the Bible in a year reveals in Genesis chapter 35 the power in a name. Now we all know that the Name of Jesus is unlike any other name, in fact God's Word tells us that it's a Name that is above all names (Phil. 2:9-11) and that Name has been given to all believers to use!
Did you know that you've been given the family name by Jesus? When Jesus was just moments from His last hours on earth, He passed on to us the family name that he was given by the Father. (John 17:11-12 and Luke 3:22). Curious what your family name is? Well, it's Beloved!!! That's right if you are born again, you are the Beloved son or daughter of God and He is well pleased with you! This Name carries with it protection, power, honor, safety and recognition. That's your new family name. I don't know about you but I love this. I'm not just Jude Nowak - no, I'm Jude, the Beloved of God!
God goes out of the way in Genesis 35:10 to tell Jacob whose former name meant schemer and supplanter, that his new name is Israel, Triumphant with God, and that name carried His future to be a mighty nation, who was fruitful and increased with Kings that came from his body....
This year of 2022, know that you have the family name! You are the Beloved of God! You are protected, with power, honor, safety, recognition and are who He is well pleased with!
I declare over you today in 2022 you'll do more than you've ever done before, you'll increase, you'll be fruitful, your future is brilliant because you carry the family name. So Arise, Shine, for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon YOU! (Isaiah 60:1)
- Jude Nowak
Did you know that you've been given the family name by Jesus? When Jesus was just moments from His last hours on earth, He passed on to us the family name that he was given by the Father. (John 17:11-12 and Luke 3:22). Curious what your family name is? Well, it's Beloved!!! That's right if you are born again, you are the Beloved son or daughter of God and He is well pleased with you! This Name carries with it protection, power, honor, safety and recognition. That's your new family name. I don't know about you but I love this. I'm not just Jude Nowak - no, I'm Jude, the Beloved of God!
God goes out of the way in Genesis 35:10 to tell Jacob whose former name meant schemer and supplanter, that his new name is Israel, Triumphant with God, and that name carried His future to be a mighty nation, who was fruitful and increased with Kings that came from his body....
This year of 2022, know that you have the family name! You are the Beloved of God! You are protected, with power, honor, safety, recognition and are who He is well pleased with!
I declare over you today in 2022 you'll do more than you've ever done before, you'll increase, you'll be fruitful, your future is brilliant because you carry the family name. So Arise, Shine, for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon YOU! (Isaiah 60:1)
- Jude Nowak
Posted in Read the Bible in a Year
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