Read the Bible in a Year - Exodus 34
Today's encouragement comes to us by way of chapter 34 in the book of Exodus. Did you know that the words you read today in Exodus 34, 35 & Mark 3 are covenant words for you? Yes! That's right! If you are born again - you are in covenant with God (Exodus 34:27). Let me explain covenant in case you are not sure of it. Covenant means that you are an equal partner with whomever you have made covenant with. It always involves blood. This is the cement that holds it all together. Every word you just read today, covenant partner, is infused with blood, making it unchangeable and everlasting.
Being born again by the blood of Jesus means you are now a covenant partner with God - with Jesus - with the Holy Spirit! All of this was made possible by an empty cross, an empty tomb and a seated savior, to which you are now an equal partner of - a co-heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:16-17). This is sealed, this is forever, and this is unchallengeable because of the blood of Christ that never wears off, that also has a voice that was speaking to you today of incredible things found in the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9 & 10).
This partnership means everything you would ever have or that your covenant partner has or would ever have, has become the equal property of both. Pause to think about that! Who makes out better in this partnership called covenant - Christ or you? It also means that you will never be alone in any battle you will ever face. That battle always involves your covenant partner. One translation puts it this way: "In order for you to get to me, to actually harm me, you'll first have to slap my covenant partner (God) and you shouldn't have done that."
This year of 2022, know that every time you read this Word, it is infused with the blood of Jesus. You are actually reading and finding out what belongs to you as a covenant partner. This is a partnership that is forever unmovable and unchallengeable. "Ask anything (covenant partner) in My Name (Jesus said) and it's done" (John 14:13-14). So, "Arise, Shine, for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon You" (Isaiah 60:1).
- Pastor Jude
Being born again by the blood of Jesus means you are now a covenant partner with God - with Jesus - with the Holy Spirit! All of this was made possible by an empty cross, an empty tomb and a seated savior, to which you are now an equal partner of - a co-heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:16-17). This is sealed, this is forever, and this is unchallengeable because of the blood of Christ that never wears off, that also has a voice that was speaking to you today of incredible things found in the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9 & 10).
This partnership means everything you would ever have or that your covenant partner has or would ever have, has become the equal property of both. Pause to think about that! Who makes out better in this partnership called covenant - Christ or you? It also means that you will never be alone in any battle you will ever face. That battle always involves your covenant partner. One translation puts it this way: "In order for you to get to me, to actually harm me, you'll first have to slap my covenant partner (God) and you shouldn't have done that."
This year of 2022, know that every time you read this Word, it is infused with the blood of Jesus. You are actually reading and finding out what belongs to you as a covenant partner. This is a partnership that is forever unmovable and unchallengeable. "Ask anything (covenant partner) in My Name (Jesus said) and it's done" (John 14:13-14). So, "Arise, Shine, for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon You" (Isaiah 60:1).
- Pastor Jude
Posted in Read the Bible in a Year
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