Read the Bible in a Year - Mark 1

Today we find ourselves starting in the book of Mark.   The four gospels are meant to represent the four banners that the children of Israel camped under while journeying in the desert.   The banner that Mark represents is the head of an ox.    Mark is the book that records the most miracles that Jesus performed while on the earth as our inexhaustible servant.    Jesus, you will find in Mark,  would constantly use authority so God's power would work for anything He encountered.    That's why Jesus was able to do so much (Mark 1:22).  

 For your 2022 to be a year of enjoyment and not frustration and exhaustion, you will have to rely on the power of God by the use of authority to see and do the supernatural that you've been equipped for.  In fact, Jesus Himself said that "you will do greater works than He did " (John 14:12).    It will be greater in quality and quantity.    For that to happen, it won't be by might or strength, but it will be by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).      In other words, by the strong ox of your faith using your authority.    So "Arise, Shine, for the Light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon You."  (Isaiah 60:1)
- Pastor Jude 

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