Read the Bible in A Year - Genesis 26

Today's inspiration is taken from Genesis 26.    Let me start off by asking you a series of questions....   Is 2022 unfolding the way you want it to?      Are you tempted already to give up and throw in the towel?   Then this chapter is for you!!!  

Isaac, whose name means laughter,  finds himself in the middle of a famine, just like his daddy experienced.    Like Father like son,  Isaac is tempted to move out, give up and give in.   Then something awesome happens.   God speaks to Isaac - DON'T DO IT!!!!    God tells Isaac that what he needs to do, right where he is,  in the place that he's at,  is to sow seed.   Are you kidding me?   Isaac is in the midst of a severe famine!    Maybe you are facing a famine today - of finances, health, peace, joy, discontentment - you fill in the blank.       Look what God tells Isaac to do.   He tells him to stay put and sow seed.   That's right!   Pay attention now,  God tells Isaac to remain IN THE VALLEY OF GERAR.   This is important.  First, know that a valley is nothing but a mountain top turned upside down, so really,  Isaac is not in a valley in his life - he is really on top and so are you because of Jesus Christ.     Secondly,  Gerar means "land of meditation".    Meditation is me taking what God has said and seeing it in my life.   It's actually me going in to my future, which according to God's Word, is really incredible.  (Psalm 65:11, Jeremiah 29:11)   God has you right where you need to be!     Don't marinate in the fallen world, but meditate in the wonderful world of the Kingdom of God.  

Remember - you are not the tail, but the head.   You are not in the valley, but on top of the mountain.  So as Isaac was instructed, you now need to do the same and sow seed.  Start declaring the promises of God today - out loud!   Stay with those declarations.   Just as God's Word did for Isaac, His Word sown by speaking out loud will do the same for you.  You will laugh your way to a 100-fold harvest in the year of 2022.

"Arise, Shine, for the Light has Come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon Thee!"  (Isaiah 60:1)
  - Pastor Jude 

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