Read the Bible in a Year - Genesis 15

If you are following along with us on the Bible Reading Plan, you have read in Genesis 15,  that God promises Abram that He will make his name great and be his shield and exceeding great reward.   He then tells him to make a sacrifice of animals; to divide them in two for God to walk between them.    Before God could even get a chance to do that, the fowls of the air came down upon it.   Abraham had to fight them off!  His promise was in jeopardy!!   Has God given you a promise?   Sure He has!   It is a scripture, and it's always attached to a dream or a vision.  It's part of your destiny for 2022.  The fowls?  Well, they will come to take away the promise if you let them...  - they are called wrong thoughts.    (The thief comes to steal, kill & destroy the promise!)    Fight them off!!  Fight them off with words expressed out loud.   "Not today devil - my name is as great as Abram - I'm of that seed.   GOD IS MY SHIELD AND EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD!"    That's how you stop your promises from being in jeopardy.      - Pastor Jude

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