Read the Bible in a Year - Matthew 12

Today in Matthew 12 and Job 22, the Word of God makes it very clear who is in control.  
Now hear me out when we talk about "God is Sovereign" - I'm all in as long as it means all problem!   However, when most believers speak of God's sovereignty, they mean that God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, and to whomever He wants. That's called mythology - where the gods could mess with humanity just because they felt like it.

The new covenant that is between Father God and Jesus - where I'm invited in to be a part of - is the sovereignty of God by the use of providence.   God made it so through Jesus  the Word of God is what God and the Kingdom operate in - in that and nothing else!   In reality, God is boxed in by His own Word and cannot go outside of His own Word (which happens to be unlimited).

Then God, through Jesus, does something mind-blowing!  He turns this all over to the believer (Matthew 28:18) which means you are now to reign in life through the Word of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:17).    Job 22:28 says "you shall decide and decree a thing and it shall be established for you and the light (God's Word) shall shine (work) upon your ways.   Matthew 12:8 says "For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" -  not the Son of God, but the Son of Man.   Any one born again is a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).   Now the believer is a Son of God and a Son of Man, just as Jesus was while He was on the earth.  You are NOT the Messiah, but now you are  bone of his bone, flesh of His flesh (Ephesians 5:30) and co-heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:16-17).     We are the only agency of authority now on the earth called the church - the body of Christ.   The Kingdom of God and God cannot do a single thing now, unless the Word of God is declared out loud - unless a demand of righteousness is made on behalf of humanity.    This is sovereignty in providence.   You are now to take everything that Jesus and Father God secured for you and direct it in this fallen world.   Being born again is not being dumb until He comes.   It's being super over the natural.   It's now limiting and stopping anything that steals, kills, and destroys.   Whatever you bind on earth, declare illegal, must be what has already been made illegal in heaven.   Whatever you loose on earth, must be what has already been made loose in heaven.   (Matthew 16:18-19 and Matthew 18:18) .

So....Arise, Shine!  For the Light has come and the Glory of the Lord has Risen upon You!  
 (Isaiah 60:1)           - Pastor Jude 

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